About / Campus Directory
Campus Directory
For a full listing of faculty and staff telephone numbers, titles, department associations and locations:
Department | Location | Extension | |
Academic Affairs | Seitz Hall | (419) 448.3299 | officeoftheprovost@joe-yan.net |
Alumni Relations | Bridgewater House | (419) 448.3595 | alumni@joe-yan.net |
Athletic Trainer | Hanson Building | (419) 448.3263 | phillipsls@joe-yan.net |
Athletics | Gillmor Student Center | (567) 268.6016 | |
Business Office | Seitz Hall | (567) 268.6058 | huntertl@joe-yan.net |
Campus Activities Board | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.3353 | cab@joe-yan.net |
Campus Security | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.5136 | security@joe-yan.net |
Campus Store | 235 Miami St. | (419) 448.3437 | theexchange@joe-yan.net |
Career Services | Murphy Academic Support Center | (419) 448.3422 | careerservices@joe-yan.net |
Club & Rec Sports | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.3328 | clubrecsports@joe-yan.net |
College Credit Plus | Welcome Center | (419)448.5128 | ccp@joe-yan.net |
Counseling & Wellness | Friedley Hall | (419) 448.3578 | counseling@joe-yan.net |
Dining Hall | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.6099 | foodservice@joe-yan.net |
Disability Services | Friedley Hall | (419) 448.3021 | disabilityservices@joe-yan.net |
Equity, Access & Opportunity | Friedley Hall | (419) 448.3421 | eao@joe-yan.net |
Event Services | 31 Gilmore St. | (419) 448.3323 | eventservices@joe-yan.net |
Facilities | 31 Gilmore St. | (419) 448.3275 | maintenance@joe-yan.net |
Financial Aid | Seitz Hall | (419) 448.3279 | finaid@joe-yan.net |
Graduate Academic Advising, Admissions and Operations | Franks Hall | (419) 448.3442 | havrillaaa@joe-yan.net |
Health Center (Nurse Practitioner) | Friedley Hall | (567) 268.6102 | healthcenter@joe-yan.net |
Heminger Recreation Center | 350 Miami St. | (419) 448.3337 | mcmenemype@joe-yan.net |
Housing Operations | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.3264 | housing@joe-yan.net |
Human Resources | Seitz Hall | (419) 448.3054 | hr@joe-yan.net |
Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk | Hertzer Technology Center | (419) 448.3430 | pctech@joe-yan.net |
Institutional Advancement | Bridgewater House | (419) 448.3584 | blondemp@joe-yan.net |
International Admissions | Welcome Center | (419) 448.3310 | ia@joe-yan.net |
Library | Pfeiffer Library | (419) 448.3436 | library@joe-yan.net |
Mail Center | The Exchange | (419) 448.3437 | mailcenter@joe-yan.net |
Marketing & Communications | Welcome Center | (419) 448.3513 | roszmandl@joe-yan.net |
Murphy Academic Support Center | Murphy Academic Support Center | (419) 448.3590 | hoerigal@joe-yan.net |
Online & Extended Learning | Franks Hall | (419) 448.3349 | clarkds@joe-yan.net |
Ph.D. Program | Franks Hall | (419) 448.3397 | phd@joe-yan.net |
President’s Office | Seitz Hall | (419) 448.3413 | officeofpresident@joe-yan.net |
Registration & Records | Seitz Hall | (419) 448.3452 | records@joe-yan.net |
Residence Life | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.3264 | reslife@joe-yan.net |
School of Business | Main Classroom Building | (419) 448.3327 | marbentr@joe-yan.net |
School of Creative & Media Arts | Performing Arts Lab | (419) 448.3317 | brees@joe-yan.net |
School of Criminal Justice & Social Sciences | Main Classroom Building | (419) 448.3395 | pirainop@joe-yan.net |
School of Education and Extended Learning | Franks Hall | (419) 448.3349 | clarkds@joe-yan.net |
School of Science, Technology and Health | Center for Science and Technology | (419) 448.5114 | saboms@joe-yan.net |
Student Accounts | Seitz Hall | (419) 448.3052 | studentaccounts@joe-yan.net |
Student Affairs | Gillmor Student Center | (567) 268.6053 | pattersondk@joe-yan.net |
Student Engagement | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.3353 | TUengage@joe-yan.net |
Student Government | Gillmor Student Center | (419) 448.3353 | stugov@joe-yan.net |
Theatre | Performing Arts Lab | (419) 448.3366 | horna@joe-yan.net |
TOLL FREE NUMBER-TU | (800) 968.6446 | ||
Undergraduate Admissions | Welcome Center | (419) 448.3423 | admiss@joe-yan.net |
Veteran & Military Services | Veteran and Military Resource Center | (419) 448.3314 | tuveterans@joe-yan.net |
Victims Advocacy | Friedley Hall | (419) 448.3021 | advocacy@joe-yan.net |
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